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Charlotte E.W.@ 5:23pm 01-18-2009
This is amazing. And so true! Yay for the few people in the world who see Twilight for what it is - shite. How Meyers got a degree in English I dread to think!
One Eyed Nazi@ 4:29pm 01-18-2009
You're my fucking hero.
Thank Ra there's still some sane people out there.
Kay@ 11:19pm 01-17-2009
You summed it up pretty well. Haha I got a kick out of it. That thing you wrote on the right- I'm not trying to change your mind, but it's fiction for a reason. The fact that the vampire sparkles isn't the most unrealistic thing in the books if you hadn't noticed...Meyer had a good idea and I'm sure she's reaping the rewards no matter how inaccurate or silly the books were.
Baby Seal <3@ 7:22pm 01-17-2009
hi ! i love whoevr wrote this! i haven't read the books but i gotta agree whatz the big deal!?! GAWSH ppl, grow up! once again, this is oh so hilarious! YAY you!
Sourr Elizabeth@ 6:16pm 01-17-2009
My Hero!
I fucking love you.
Abzsynthe@ 4:25pm 01-17-2009
Kay so I've never read Twilight, but I thought this was hillarious. High five for you.. twice.. ^_^
mishy241091 here!@ 3:36pm 01-17-2009
haha I seriously loved this! I have nothing against the actual books, I liked those too but this is way much better. I'm recommending to all my mates hehe :P
Meow@ 2:24pm 01-17-2009
lol i'm so glad i'm not the only one that despises the Twilight saga and Meyer's writing. I'm really tired of the name edward and jacob, and Meyer just ruined a perfectly good word- Twilight.
Infamous@ 4:52am 01-17-2009
*Touches your butt*
I fucking hate you and life.
icu-chan the 2nd@ 6:33pm 01-16-2009
I completly agree with how you sumerized each book, its nice and refreshing to find someone who isn't some 13 yr old fan girl, saying these books are the best thing ever, and if they don't come out with the next book soon, they'll commit suicide.

Gaia user name: icu-chan the 2nd.
Marciko@ 10:33pm 01-15-2009
That made me so happy.
I can't believe people are obsessed with those terrible books.

Thanks for the laughs~!

(Gaia username is in the name box :3)
Bizreal@ 5:33pm 01-15-2009
This totally made me lol. :'D It was great.
Aiko Katserugi@ 1:49am 01-15-2009
I think God gave you that epiphany of a summary for a reason. You could be going places my friend. I've never even read the book, but now I feel I have!! =D Thank you for sparing me a week or so of senseless reading!! Gaia Username is in the name box. ^^ You're awesome
Laura@ 7:08pm 01-13-2009
Hahaha it just made my day, and possibly my week.
My gaia username is Moonlight by Beethoven, but it didn't fit above
Ziek Shrownamn@ 7:06pm 01-13-2009
Possibly the best summary I've read. My Gaia is already mentioned above, so I won't bother with typing it below.

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