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Sylvine@ 4:02pm 01-25-2009
Regarding the movie and bad actors: Why, on the contrary! They were GOOD actors! They executed bad characters through bad acting! :)

Other than that, at least for the first two books, quite accurate. I stopped reading afterwards ( though I might read the fourth, just for a laugh).

Really, the first two books are quite high on a VERY small list of books that I actually had to struggle through, and thrown onto the table in anger on numerous accounts before trying again some other day.

throwxdown2009@ 8:01am 01-25-2009
I.love.you. Truly, As others have stated, you are a hero to those of us who see through the shitty attempt at literature here. Your points may be your own, but they are very very accurate. It made me happy, and it made me laugh out loud and weep with joy.Many kudos to you,and keep up the good work. Leave me a comment or a PM sometime. I enjoy your outlook. (yes, i am implying i am from gaia)
Rikyri@ 7:52am 01-25-2009
Your summaries are made of WIN. I'm gonna go get meh friends to read it |D
TheLunarEvent@ 11:37pm 01-24-2009
*Stumbles in from Gaia*
I truly LOL'D.
I agree with everything you have said and to all those who whine, I will simply say this. "SUCK IT."

Although I did respect the IDEA of twilight. Stephanie Myers just runied it beyone repair. She did sound like a, as I put it, 'Whiney, 12 year old, emo kid listening to My Chemical Romance after being rejected on a saturday night.
And here's another thing, I hear she was going to do some shit like publish the damn book over again in Edwards point of view. He and Bella are the main characters. Its the same damn book!
And then she had a little cry baby fit when her friend posted it or some shit like that.
I always though about how a REAL author would have handled that situation. I'm sure J.K Rowling would have said something like this, "How do you know any of this is true? Maybe I just told her that to shut her up. It could be true but I won't tell ;D."
I hate how people try to tell me Twilight is the new Harry Potter. HELLS NO! Harry potter was actually written by an adult. Harry potter was a billion times better than any of the twilight books, and this is comming from someone who didnt even like the Harry Potter series that much.
Anyways, good job. I will spread this to all my twilight hater friends.
Go aheah and PM me on gaia if you wish, I can go all night on this.
Christopher Onstad@ 2:19am 01-24-2009
I hae to say that was Awesome! Thank you for putting it all together. I had not come across the term Mary-Sue before, but wow that is perfect. I am saddened that I have yet been unable to show my teenage child & others how bad and forced this parody of a vampire story is, but your blog has given me hope. And a voice that is not a "parent" to show the inanity there in. You have done the world & literature a great service.
N.R. Bloo@ 4:36pm 01-23-2009
XD This was great. I must now share with world. >w>
Sonhadora@ 3:11am 01-23-2009
I actually enjoyed the Twilight series, though I do agree about the lack of complex language and grammar. Some of her characters could use some meat, but at the same time I get that Meyer was trying to write for lovesick teenage girls. The movies though... terrible. The actors she picked had very little acting ability and many of them looked nothing like their character descriptions. I could only force myself to see it once, though my sister tried to drag me to it for the 3 other times she went.

I enjoyed your parody of the books because many of the things you pointed out I had noticed and agree with. I could see how it would offend people though. Great work and if you ever need an editor, find me. When I get into grammar Nazi mode, it's scary.

~Sonhadora (of Gaia)
Yami Musei Shikyo@ 1:39am 01-23-2009
While I did enjoy the Twilight series, I definitely lollerskated throughout this entire summary of the books. I also found it hard to believe that an older woman..who majored in English?...could write something that childish. I suppose there's various reasons, but I'm not going to bore you. Anyways, good job. :D -From GAiaZ
becca.@ 7:47am 01-22-2009
haha. love this entire thing. so true, love the BD part, so hilarious mostly coz its nothing like the book ;D hahaha
Raiena-chan@ 9:02pm 01-21-2009
From Gaia. O:

This was actually worth reading. Cookies for you.
Ashaman Cody@ 6:42am 01-21-2009
Lol its pretty funny cause that is sorta how it went. Anyways I did like the books though, they were a good read and a time killer.

And I'm from Gaia!!
Yoshi Banana@ 6:31am 01-21-2009
LOL - you covered every single thing i remember from the book.
This is awesome.
Btw from Gaia.
Tab is Neat@ 10:24pm 01-20-2009
I can honestly say I did in fact laugh out loud while reading this. Kudos to you.
EL C0NEJ0@ 4:43pm 01-20-2009
lmao! i love this. i love you. lets make babies.

ps: i want to sparkle violently, too. ;D
FoxPrincess@ 10:05am 01-20-2009
Wow, finally some sanity on the internet. Thank you so much for posting this; finally a spot on Twilight where everyone isn't going 'OMFG, Edward Ilurvesyou, marrymepweez yousparklehthang!!'
I can't believe how many weeks at school I had to hear this crap.
You rock. This site is now favorited.

P.S I'm on Gaia *points to name*

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